Drawn in a whimsical child-like style, Julia Gomelsky brings more than 20 years experience in graphic/web design to her book designs.

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Available online on Lulu, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Hybrid Animals

What if a cat could fly like a bird? Or if a dog lived in the ocean?

Hybrid Animals is a collection of special animals that have unique characteristics, behaviors and habitats that will be sure to make you smile and even learn a thing or two about these rare blends.

Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Hybrid Animals Too

What if a kangaroo had antlers? Or if a raccoon could fly?

Hybrid Animals Too is the highly anticipated sequel to Hybrid Animals, a collection of special animals that have unique characteristics, behaviors and habitats. They will be sure to make you smile and you may even learn a thing or two about these rare blends.

Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Happy Good Night

Happy Good Night, is the story of a one-eyed dog named Happy, who learns that what makes him different from everybody else is his biggest source of strength. 

Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Happy Bonjour!

Happy Bonjour!, is the story of our favorite one-eyed dog, Happy, as he travels the world’s most famous landmarks, learning etiquette and the importance of good manners in several languages.

In progress